List of Ambisonic Music/Audio Players

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Pan Athen
SoundFellas Crew
Posts: 80
Joined: 04 Dec 2021 20:51
Location: Athens / Greece

When it comes to media players, especially for exotic (for now) media formats, I believe that the more the merrier!

With that philosophy in mind, let's try to keep a list of all available players of ambisonic audio files.

Plush2 posted in a thread here: viewtopic.php?p=153#p153 about a nice player for the Android called AmbiExplorer that can be found here: ... orer&gl=US

The cross-platform player that supports 3OA (Third Order Ambisonics) is of course VLC (, and the functionality was put there from version 3.0 and on. I'll try some tests on my mobile to see how (and if) VLC handles ambisonics there. Supporting ambisonics to all platforms would be awesome.

Does anybody know of any more?
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